National Strategy for Food Security
Hub Registration Form



Registration and in-person privacy statements

Privacy Collection Statement

The Privacy Act and your personal information

Your personal information is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988(Cth) ( Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles ( APPs).

This Privacy Notice describes how the National Indigenous Australians Agency ( Agency) collects your personal information through PwC Indigenous Consulting ( PIC).

How and why do we collect your personal information?

The Agency collects your personal information (name and email address) to organise your attendance at a regional forum on the national strategy for food security in remote First Nations communities ( Strategy).

We also collect sensitive information from you if you choose to provide information about whether you identify as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. We only collect this information with your consent (see below) and you are not required to provide this information.

The Agency collects this information from you when you submit your registration.

We collect your personal information where it is reasonably necessary for or directly related to the performance of our functions or activities.

How do we use and disclose your personal information?

The Agency may use your personal information to organise your attendance at a regional forum.

The Agency and PIC will not disclose your personal information to anyone outside the Agency or PIC.

Your personal information will not be disclosed overseas.[LSB1]

What happens if you don’t provide your information?

If you choose not to provide us with your name or contact information you will not be able to participate in the forum. You are not required to attend the forum.

How do you find out more about our privacy practices?

The privacy and security of your personal information is important to us, and is protected by law. TheAgency's Privacy Policyexplains how the Agency handles and protects the information provided by you. The Agency’s Privacy Policy also explains how you can request access to or correct the personal information we hold about you, who to contact if you have a privacy enquiry or complaint and how the agency will handle a privacy complaint.

To find out more about how we manage personal information you can contact:

The Privacy Officer
National Indigenous Australians Agency
PO Box 2191

Tel: 02 6152 3080


PIC’s privacy policy can be viewed here.

From time to time, we will review and revise this privacy collection notice. We reserve the right to amend this notice at any time.

Date last updated: 20 June 2024